
The Quick and Easy Balloon Assisted Low Band Loop Antenna
My Field Day club has been flying a balloon lifted 80 meter full wave loop antenna
for years, and this year we decided to add a second balloon-lifted antenna for 40 meters.1 We wanted that same great full wave loop performance to help get our low power (QRP) signal out, but we needed a much easier and quicker deployment. The answer we found is a new type of balloon lifted antenna. We call it the balloon assisted antenna.

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Building a 1927 Regenerative Receiver

รีวิว Elecraft K3/100 HF and 6 Meter Transceiver
The Elecraft K3 is a modular and expandable transceiver that can be set up to fill a number of roles. In our first look, we described a configuration at the bottom of the K3 spectrum — a 10 W minimally equipped kit version of the transceiver. At that time, many of the announced options were not yet available. This time, we have waited until almost all of the bells and whistles have been installed and configured

Morse Code: Effi cient or Over the Hill?
Why learn it if you haven’t, and how to copy faster if you have.
“Oh Morse code, Morse code, how I wish I could copy thee faster.” This has been my lament for 20 years. I learned the code back in the ’80s and easily passed the 13 WPM code test, but the 20 WPM test, which was required then for the Extra class license, was a different story. I failed that test by one letter — one little bitty letter. After the first examiner told me I’d passed the test, the second examiner, upon careful rechecking found “a wrong letter” in one of the fill-in-the-blank questions and failed me. That event has haunted me for 20 years.
At the time, I lived in an apartment and could only operate mobile so I used SSB and that only occasionally. Consequently, I never became adept at Morse code. Then, after a 15 year absence from the airways, in 2005, I decided to put up an antenna, fire up the rig and learn the code. I decided not to hook up the radio’s microphone until I had the code under control.
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In 1969, mankind made a giant leap — we walked on the moon. Now, preparations are already underway for a second giant leap — sending humans to Mars, and a DXpedition to Mars is already in the works. เขาไปได้ไกลถึงขนาดนี้แล้วหรือ
Soon after Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin made the first moon landing, a
couple of hams made public their vision for future space exploration. Colonel Fred Johnson Elser, W6FB, and Philippines SCM (Section Communications Manager) Lieutenant Commander Stanley Mathes, K1CY, had the idea for a trophy, called the Elser-Mathes Cup to reward the hams who make the first two-way contact with Mars. Elser said that he was inspired by ARRL co-founder Hiram Percy Maxim’s, W1AW, fascination for the Red Planet.
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